Saturday, June 9, 2007

First Week

Hey all! I have now been here at the camp for a week, and am loving it. I am teaching at the pre-primary school in the mornings, although that may change this week, as I had a large melt down on Friday when the children just would not listen to me while the main teacher was out for a few days. In the afternoons I have story time twice a week, HIV/AIDS Care and Support once a week, and Micro loan a few days.
Last weekend a group of us headed to Cape Coast, we went to visit the Cape Coast Castle, a UNESCO Heritage site for its once overflowing slave dungeons. That was quite interesting, and also eery.


Nobody said...

Hey Kate,
unattentive children to teach? I sympathize! Although your's are quite alot younger, I believe.
Glad to hear that you're having a good time chicky, did you get a sunburn yet? Is the heat impossible?
Have fun and watch out for the scorpians and cockroaches - the beautiful children may you encounter in abundance!

Bryn said...

I regret never seeing Cape Coast. Hope you took lots of pictures!!