Thursday, July 5, 2007


Less than a month til we are home, can't believe it! We have done some traveling around, with the latest adventure being Kakum National park. After a night of camping in the rain forest, in nothing more than a mesquito net,Linden, Josie, Chelsea and I did the Canopy Walk. This is a series of rope bridges, about 300 meters up, amongst the canopies of the rain forest. We were unable to see any animals, as they are all nocturnal, but the veiw of the forest was amazing. I was convinced I was going to die about 20 times, but despite my fear, I made it across them all.
This week has been a turn over week for CBW as the new volunteers have arrived and are getting oriented to things.After a month in my projects I have changed my schedule around some, to get a chance to experience some new things. I am still counter-parting with my ABC class three days a week, as well as craft day, story time and micro-loan.
This weekend will be one of the few that we stay on camp for. We are staying for our Volunteer Co-ordinator's wedding. Chelsea, Graham and I will get to go to this traditional Liberian wedding. Chels and I have gotten dresses, and are pretty excited to see what it is like.

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